Sunday 16 April 2017

Today is Easter Sunday and typically it's a day for families to spend it together. All of the shops are shut so it's a very peaceful day!
In the modern era one of the main aspects of Easter is now Easter eggs! Yummy, hollow, chocolate eggs that are usually accompanied by a chocolate bar/bag of whichever variety. The chocolate tastes so much better than block chocolate (imo) and as a household it seems we have Easter eggs lying about for forever after Easter.
One of the things we've always done since I was a child was an Easter egg hunt. We'll be doing ours tomorrow on Easter Monday as a lot of my family are going to my grandparents house - I can't wait, it should be so fun, especially considering my mum is making the clues so we might be trying to find them all day!
Another thing we always do is have a big roast with all of the trimmings - I'll take any excuse to have a roast dinner.
It's always nice to go for a walk in the evening to chill and unwind and I find the whole holiday such a lovely, relaxing time.
Finally, every day we play and look after and love our rabbits. Theo(left) and Elmo(right) have been such bundles of joys in our lives these past nearly 4 years. They are perfect in every way and I'm so happy we get to spend Easter and the rest of their lives with them and nourishing them. And if I could, I'd take them on our Easter egg hunt! I imagine they'd be the winners!

Happy Easter! Enjoy whatever it is you'll be doing.

I hope you enjoyed reading, 
Holly x

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